اینم رمز ولفنشتاین۳ امیدوارم اینگلیسی بلد باشید
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Cheat enable update:
This has to do with 'Return To Castle Wolfenstein' cheat
enable: There must be a space between the " quotation
marks and +setsv_cheats 1. I could NOT use it the way
you described until I did this. How did I find it? I saw
in the Safe Mode properties that '+safe' is a space away,
so I tried it ( " +set sv_cheats 1 )in the Single Player
Properties and Lo and Behold , when I hit OK this time it
accepted it. None of the other ways you told me,I.E., to
change the Folder in
way without leaving the property box up while accessing the
game....left too much open. If you update this simply, cheaters
like me who happen to stumble on stuff like this mistakenly,
won't be left in the cold.frag.
" +set sv_cheats 1 {instead of } "+set sv_cheats 1
Activate Cheats:
Update by: Dj Simo
Submitted by: Allan
E-mail: IlHansenIl@hansen.dk
1. Create a copy of your single player desktop shortcut.
2. Right-click on it and select "properties".
3. In the "Target" field, add the following to the very end
(outside the quotes): +set sv_cheats 1
4. Click OK.
5. Launch the game using that shortcut.
Once you're in the game, you should be able to use the following
cheat codes (hit the "~" key to bring down the console, then
type them in):
Special Note:
Some people have experienced problems activating the cheats as
listed above. Here is an alternate to try if they are not working
for you.
1. Add " +set sv_cheats 1" to the target line of the shortcut, as
shown above.
2. Add a blank "user.cfg" file to the folder labeled "
the game folder to "Return to Castle Wolfenstein".
3. Type one line in that "user.cfg" file: set sv_cheats 1
4. Enter codes as shown above.
Special Note #2:
Some people have not been able to use the cheats unless they first
load a saved game. New players can start, save, then load the save
and the cheats should work.
Code Result
/god God Mode
/notarget Enemies Do Not Attack
/noclip No Clipping
/give all All Weapons and Ammo
/give armor Give Armor
/give health Give Health
/give stamina Give Stamina
/give ammo Give Ammo
/nofatigue Unlimited Stamina
/kill Suicide
/cg_uselessnostalgia 1 Original Wolfenstein Interface
/give # Give Item # (See List)
/clip on - Toggle clipping
/cmdlist - Show all commands
/reconnect - Reconnect to last server
/quit - Exit game
/serverinfo - Show current server settings
/toggle r_fullscreen - Toggle between windowed and full screen; Restart
game when changed
/toggle cg_drawcompass - Toggle compass display
/toggle cg_draw2d - Toggle HUD display
/toggle cg_drawfps - Toggle framerate display
/cg_FOV - Change field of view
/toggle cg_drawtimer - Show time left
/toggle cg_gibs - Toggle gibs
/toggle cg_drawteamoverlay - Toggle team overlays
Cheat Mode (server):
Submitted by: Dj Simo
Press ~ to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes..
Code - Effect
/map restart - Reset map
/sv_maxclients - Set maximum players that can connect
/timelimit - Set time limit
/kick - Kick player from the server
/g_friendlyFire (0 or 1) - Toggle friendly fire
/g_forcebalance - Force even teams
/g_warmup - Set warm up time in seconds
/g_gravity # - Set gravity; lower is less gravity
/g_speed # - Set movement; lower is slower
Change Name:
Press ~ to display the console window. Enter /name to change the player's
name and color. To change colors, include one of the following.
^1: Red
^2: Green
^3: Yellow
^4: Blue
^5: Light Blue
^6: Pink
^7: White
^8: Black
^9: Red
For example, to change your name to "AmericaTheBeautiful" in red, white,
and blue, enter /name ^1America^7The^4Beautiful
Give List:
Use these with the /give cheat listed above.
mauser rifle
fg42 paratroop rifle
colt 45
large health
medium health
Enable Cheatmode:
Submitted by: Joshua Not_Telling
E-mail: og2c_sinister@hotmail.com
When you start RTCW and you are at the main menu, press
the ~ button, and type: /cheats 0
This will turn the cheat mode on.